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God's Solution Sanctuary
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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When God Seems Silent in Challenging Times


Genesis 37:32-35; 46:1-5

Following the trends, God spoke consistently with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (later named Israel) in the Bible; especially, Jacob, whom God spoke to in his dream on his way to Paddan-aram where he built an altar (Bethel) to God (Gen 28:10-22), when God wanted Him to leave Paddan-aram (Gen 31:3), when God changed Jacob’s name to Israel (Gen 32:24-31), when He instructed Jacob to leave Shechem and return to Bethel (Gen 34) and when God reconfirmed His covenant to him as He did for Abraham and Isaac his fathers (Gen 35:11-12).

Considering how God had spoken with Jacob and guided him all the way, I sometimes wonder if God did not reveal to him the evil plots of his other sons at the time. I wonder if God did not speak to Israel (formerly Jacob) when his son Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Did God not let him know that Joseph was alive but in slavery? Did He speak to him to assure him at that time that Joseph was not dead? Could God have been silent throughout the times of Jacob’s agony and mourning without giving him a hint of the happenings? I wonder. Sometimes, God may seem silent in our cases, but He is not. Obviously, there are some stages in life that God requires us, His children to pass through, in order to prepare and equip us for that promised land He has prepared for us, similar to the case of Israel (formerly Jacob) with his son Joseph.  

All those seemingly quiet times, God is indeed, working behind the curtains in preparation for our celebration, and if only we could catch a glimpse of His glorious plans and unspeakable blessings that awaits us, we would not be moved a bit about the hard times we are experiencing. Notably, when the time was ripe – at God’s own time, He eventually, spoke to Israel (formerly Jacob) after what appeared to be a long silence while Israel was offering Him a sacrifice in preparation to go and see Joseph after he was told that he’s still alive. God broke the silence; He spoke to confirm Israel’s journey to Egypt, which obviously, also served as an absolute confirmation that his son, Joseph was still alive. At the right time, God spoke to him, that it was time to move. God spoke, to turn Israel’s mourning into dancing; his sadness to joy; his weeping to laughter; his seemingly unending waiting to divine acceleration and his times of famine to times of abundance. He lived his remaining years in joy, peace, honour and celebration. He fulfilled God purpose for his life, and slept in the Lord graciously, at an old, ripe age. God often communicated with Abraham, Isaac and Israel (formerly Jacob), but at a point, He appeared silent in Jacob’s predicaments about Joseph, just for His (God’s) will to be done. He eventually spoke having prepared both Jacob and his son, Joseph for the ordained assignment ahead.

Therefore, whatever challenges, problems or trials you may be facing, if you know God and you trust in Him and His Word, then, be rest assured that, even in those grievous times, God is working on your case; He is working on you and in you to bring His plans to pass in your life. Please, don’t give up; allow Him; keep walking in obedience to His Word as you keep on trusting in Him. And if you don’t know Him yet, accept Him by accepting His Son, Jesus into your life today. God will surely perfect all that concerns you and usher you into His promised land for you in due time.

God bless you!

Ayobola Olusegun-Emmanuel