For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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There Shall Be No Loss!



1.    I reject losses of good things in my life and destiny in the name of Jesus.

2.    Father, restore every good thing I have lost in the past in Jesus’ name.



Acts 27:22.

And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship.



What is loss?


The Miriam Webster dictionary defines loss as:

·       Destruction

·       Ruin

·       The act or fact of being unable to keep or maintain something or someone.

·       Failure to gain, win, obtain, or utilize.

·       Decrease in amount, magnitude, value, or degree.


A state of being at a loss:

1: uncertain as to how to proceed: was at a loss to explain the discrepancy

2: unable to produce what is needed: at a loss for words

Also, for a loss - being in a state of distress: events had thrown him for a loss





·       There shall be no loss is a prophecy concerning the future.


·       There shall be no loss is a prophecy concerning future endeavors.



·       There shall be no loss is a prophecy concerning your present state and how things will play out for your destiny.


·       There shall be no loss is a proclamation of things to come.


·       The Bible in 2 Corinthians 4:13 states: We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;


·       There shall be no more loss is a declaration of what you want to happen; the word of faith which we speak.


·       It is a statement of divine intent. Paul spoke the mind of God.


·       Peter spoke the mind of God at the beautiful gate.


·       Elijah declared what he wanted, and the heavens backed up his words. Fire came down three times from heaven and later water came down from heaven to end the drought and famine that had been in the land.


Some areas of losses people encounter.


1.    Loss of something dear, a person, a loved one, a child etc., brings about immeasurable pain and bitterness of the soul and an anguish of inexpressible proportions.


In 1 Samuel 30:6, the Bible says:

And David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in soul, each for his sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.


This will not be your portion in Jesus’ name.


For those who have lost loved ones, I pray that God will comfort you and in His own supernatural way, replace what has being lost.


2.    Loss of use of physical faculties such as eyes (John 9), legs (Acts 3:1-9) or other parts of the body can be negatively impactful. Just as in the case of the man who was born blind and the lame man at the beautiful gate.


For everyone who has lost the use of their physical faculties, the Lord Jesus Christ the great and merciful healer will touch you and heal you today in the name of Jesus.


3.    Loss of finances: Our God is a God of restoration. In Luke 5:1-7, after Peter fished all night and caught nothing, he possibly was distressed about going home with no resources to meet and feed his wife and mother-in-law.


Jesus stepped onto the scene:

·       his lack was turned to abundance and

·       his story of business failure was turned to business boom.

·       deprivation tuned to supernatural divine provision and

·       potential shame and distressed was changed to joy, glowing, honor and rejoicing.


God will change your story today.


You will move from failure to success and business boom in the name of Jesus.


You will move from lack to abundance in Jesus’ name. You will move from deprivation to supernatural provision.


You will move from shame to honor.


You will move from sorrow and heartache to joy and rejoicing by the power in the blood of Jesus.


4.    Loss of career: Your career of business often is your means of livelihood or sustenance.


During this season unfortunately many lost their means of livelihood, some businesses collapsed.


Your means of livelihood will not be cut off.


Your staff of bread will not be broken in Jesus’ name.


Peradventure you have already lost your job or means of livelihood, the most High God in His mercy will restore it in Jesus’ name and affliction will not rise up a second time.


There shall be no loss, there shall be no more losses in Jesus’ name.


5.    Loss of mental faculties: Some lose their mental capacity to reason properly or function properly. Sometimes this is attributed to old age like Multiple Sclerosis, some to genetic disorders.


In some cases, it is associated with developmental disorders.


In Mark chapter 5, there was a man who had problems with his mental faculties, he could not reason properly, his behaviour was no longer normal.


He had an encounter with Jesus.


Jesus did not even request for the medical name associated with his problem, he cast out the demons afflicting the man and his mental capacity was restored, the activities of demons stopped in his life.


There was no more loss of mental capacity.


For someone here, for someone under the sound of my voice, Jesus will touch you today, mental incapacity will become a thing of the past, you will be made whole in Jesus’ name.


Activities of demons and night marauders have come to an end in your life and destiny.

There shall be no more loss in Jesus’ name.



6.    Loss of joy and peace: Whatever the level of accomplishment of an individual, if the person lacks inner peace and joy, all the accomplishments mean nothing, it becomes zero.


Despite great accomplishments, several have committed suicide. From musicians, artists, business magnates, academia to billionaires. German billionaire Adolf Merckle was the 94th billionaire to commit suicide after loosing about $550m in an investment in Volkswagen shares. He had been reported to be worth over $9.2 billion.


In John 14:27 Jesus said: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.


In Isaiah 35:10 the Bible says: And the ransomed of the LORD shall return and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.


You will not loose your peace and joy in Jesus’ name.


Peradventure your peace and joy has been lost there will be a restoration today in the name of Jesus.


7.    Loss of hope. Hope is fundamental to life. It should never be lost. When lost life no longer has any meaning, because hope is the anchor to which life grabs onto. In Hebrews 6, the Bible says:


13For when God made the promise to Abraham, He swore [an oath] by Himself, since He had no one greater by whom to swear, 14saying, “I WILL SURELY BLESS YOU AND I WILL SURELY MULTIPLY YOU.” 15And so, having patiently waited, he realized the promise [in the miraculous birth of Isaac, as a pledge of what was to come from God]. 16Indeed men swear [an oath] by [d]one greater than themselves, and with them [in all disputes] the oath serves as confirmation [of what has been said] and is an end of the dispute. 17In the same way God, in His desire to show to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable nature of His purpose, intervened and guaranteed it with an oath, 18so that by two unchangeable things [His promise and His oath] in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled [to Him] for refuge would have strong encouragement and indwelling strength to hold tightly to the hope set before us. 19This hope [this confident assurance] we have as an anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whatever pressure bears upon it]--a safe and steadfast hope that enters within the veil [of the heavenly temple, that most Holy Place in which the very presence of God dwells], 20where Jesus has entered [in advance] as a forerunner for us, having become a High Priest forever according to the order of [e]Melchizedek.


Hope should remain forever according to 1 Corinthians 13:13


Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.


Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)


For anyone who has lost hope, receive a recovery of that hope in the name of Jesus.


There shall be no more loss in Jesus’ name.



8.    Loss of progress and advancement; being in a state of stagnancy: Where you had been progressing and you suddenly notice that the progress has stopped.


Sometimes, it just comes as a realization over time that advancement has whittled or is gone.


Wherever and however your progress and advancement has been stopped, there will be no more loss in Jesus’ name.

Stagnancy will come to an end in your life, career, health, finances, academics, business, ministry, and destiny in Jesus’ mighty name.


There shall be no more loss in the name of Jesus.




1.    Losses of any kind, I am not your victim, loose your hold over my life and destiny in the name of Jesus.

2.    Hinderances to my supernatural advancement, expire in the name of Jesus.






1.    Give thanks.


2.    Born again?


3.    I reject the loss of something dear to me in the name of Jesus.


4.    I reject the loss of a loved one in the name of Jesus.


5.    I reject the loss of physical faculties in Jesus’ name.


6.    My body parts will function properly by the power in the blood of Jesus.


7.    I reject loss of career and business in Jesus’ name.


8.    My staff of bread will not be broken in the name of Jesus.


9.    I reject the loss of mental faculties and incapacitation in Jesus name.


10.I will not lose my joy and peace in Jesus’ name.


11.I reject loss of progress, loss of advancement and stagnancy. I will make supernatural progress and advancement in Jesus’ name.


12.Power to get wealth, come upon my life in Jesus’ name.


13.I receive healing and deliverance from every sickness and difficult situation in Jesus’ name.


14.Evil conspiracies against my life scatter in the name of Jesus.


15.Unrelenting antagonists and conspirators working against my life and progress, antagonise and destroy yourselves in Jesus’ name.


16.Goliath, Pharaoh and Herod of my father’s and mother’s houses be bound and expire in Jesus’ name.


17.Father, heal all those who are sick or have been infected by the corona virus in Jesus’ name.


18.Lord, let the pandemic die out of lives, our communities, and nations in the name of Jesus.


19.I bind every strongman that have stolen from me and recover my goods in Jesus name.


20.I will not die I will live by the power in the blood of Jesus.


21.I will have progressive increase, joy, peace, flourishing and great accomplishments in all areas of my life, family, career, academics, business, ministry and destiny in Jesus mighty name.


22.My life and family are shielded with the blood of Jesus against every attack from the kingdom of darkness in Jesus name.


23.I receive the anointing of ease in my endeavors in Jesus name.


24.Personal prayer points.


25.Give thanks.