For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Friday, October 18, 2024
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July 2024 Prayer Points



1.     In Ephesians 1:3, the Bible states: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. Bless God with all that is within you.


2.     Confess your sins and ask for forgiveness from God, praying that the blood of Jesus cleans you and all yours. If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me. (Psalm 68:18-20)


3.     Psalm 95:1 says: Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Praise him with songs of worship and thanksgiving.


4.     Confession:



“When the seventh month came and the Israelites had settled in their towns, the people assembled as one man in Jerusalem. (Ezra 3:1)”


2 Chronicles 31:7 In the third month [at the end of wheat harvest] they began to make the heaps, and they finished them in the seventh month.


Jeremiah 28:17 So Hananiah the [false] prophet died [two months later], the same year, in the seventh month.


This month shall be to you a season of divine settlement and rest). A season of arriving at your expected location in the name of Jesus. (Genesis 8:4, Ezra 3:1)


This shall be to you a month of abundance when rewards of labours from previous months till now is turned to a heap of blessings to you and yours in the name of Jesus. (2 Chronicles 31:7)








Pray these prayers loud and clear:


5.     Father, empower me against my adversaries physically and spiritually in the name of Jesus.


6.     I will not faint, I will not be dismayed, I will not be disgraced in the name of Jesus.


7.     Father, raise helpers for me, give me a voice where I have no voice in the name of Jesus.


8.     Father, bless me exceedingly and take away every form of lack from my life, finances, family and destiny in the name of Jesus.


9.     Lord of Hosts, fight my battles and give me victory in the name of Jesus.


10. By the power in the blood of Jesus, let evil opposition against my life and destiny scatter unto desolation in the name of Jesus.


11. Mighty healer, heal me where I need healing, deliver me where I need deliverance in the name of Jesus.


12. Let the whirlwind of the Lord uproot, scatter and blow away evil strongholds assigned and working against me in the name of Jesus.


13. By the mercy of God, let the armies of God pursue and destroy completely forces of darkness assigned against me, that is working against me in the name of Jesus.


14. Let citadels and altars of darkness divining against me be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus.


15. Consuming fire of God, consume every plantation of darkness that is against my well being and flourishing in the name of Jesus.


16. My Merciful God and Father, let my breakthroughs, divine promotion, great wealth and supernatural establishment appear and be established in my life, family, career, finances, and destiny in the name of Jesus.


17. Father, let the war in warring nations come to an end completely in the name of Jesus.


18. I receive healing and deliverance from pain and discomfort by the power in the blood of Jesus.


19.  Antagonists of my rising and flourishing, scatter unto desolation forever in the name of Jesus.


20. My healing, rising and shining, come forth to me now in the name of Jesus.


21. Evil conspiracies assigned to displace me and put me to shame, be scattered concerning me and consume the conspirators in Jesus’ name.


22. Father of our Lord Jesus Christ provide for all my needs, do not let me lack in the name of Jesus.


23. Holy Ghost, by your fire, protect and shield me always in Jesus’ name.


24. It is my season to blossom; I arise into enriching fruitfulness by the power in the blood of Jesus.


25.  Failure at the edge of breakthrough expire out of my life, family, career, ministry, and destiny in Jesus mighty name.


26. Oppression of orphans come to an end in Jesus’ name.


27. Lord of hosts, defend those in care homes and community settings who are being abused or maltreated in Jesus’ name, make a way of escape for them in the name of Jesus.


28.  Lord of Hosts, intervene and heal all those with mental illness in the name of Jesus.


29. Father, heal those with Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Lupus, and other infirmities in Jesus name.


30. Father, protect children and deliver oppressed children all over the world in Jesus’ name.


31. Father, heal those who are sick in Jesus’ name.


32. Father let churches and ministries grow, let the power and light of God destroy evil and darkness in lives, families, communities, and nations in Jesus mighty name.


33. Let the power of God rest mightily on God’s Solution Ministries in Jesus name.


34. Let nations flow into and be established in God’s Solution Ministries, let there be supernatural growth and increase on all fronts in Jesus’ name.


35. Let every counsel of the wicked against God’s Solution Ministries expire in Jesus’ name.


36. Enchantment of evil powers targeted against me and my family, go back to senders in Jesus’ name.


37. I will flourish, I will reach my goal and fulfill my God given destiny by the power in the blood of Jesus.


38. Divine mercy, come upon my life and let my much-desired breakthrough spring forth in the name of Jesus.


39. Take your personal prayer points.


40. Personalize the declarations in point 4 above.


41. Give thanks because: this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he hears us: And if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. (1 John 5:14-15).



Say 3 Amen to each of the declarations below:


False prophets, evil antagonism against you will expire in the name of Jesus.


Evil prophecies, hinderances to your life, family, purpose and ministry will expire in this seventh month in Jesus’ name.


The Lord who backed up the declaration of Jeremiah and destroyed Hananiah, will back you up, bring your prayer requests and declarations to pass in the name of Jesus.


Powers opposing your rising will be put to shame and silenced forever in the name of Jesus.


Powers that want to put you to open shame will be disgraced, their evil works will backfire against them in the name of Jesus.


Whatever evil needs to die for you to be validated, make progress and fulfil your calling, ministry, purpose and destiny shall die in this seventh month in the name of Jesus.


Enter your season of rest, breakthrough, rejoicing and blessings, by the power in the blood of Jesus, in Jesus mighty name!!