For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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June 2016 Fasting and Prayer Points

1.      Psalm 95:1-2 states: O come, let us sing for joy to the LORD, Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. Praise God with all that is within you.

2.      Confess your sins and ask for forgiveness from God, praying that the blood of Jesus cleans you and all yours. I acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I did not hide; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD”; And You forgave the guilt of my sin. (Psalm 32:5)
3.      Psalm 47:6 states: Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. Praise him with songs of worship and thanksgiving.
4.      June the 6th month represents a month of divine visitation in human affairs, the demonstration of God's favor and grace on his people (Luke 1 and 2). Pray: Father, let this month be my month of divine visitation, empowering grace and differentiating favor that promotes in Jesus name.
5.      Lord as you outwitted Haman and established Mordecai on his throne of glory, outwit every Haman of my life, career, family and destiny; establish me on my glorious throne in Jesus name.
6.      In line with 2 Samuel 1: 9-16, my mouth will not destroy me, it will bring me increase in Jesus name.
7.      According to 2 Samuel 1:16, my mouth will not testify against me in Jesus name.
8.      In line with 2 Samuel 3:1, Father let me grow stronger and stronger, let my enemies grow weaker and weaker in Jesus name.
9.      According to 2 Samuel 4:6-7; Lord, destroy every deceiving power who is after my head, body, soul and spirit in Jesus name.
10.  Lord of hosts, be with me always, keep me going forward, let me grow great in Jesus name. (2 Samuel 5:10)
11.  I will hear what I am supposed to hear, see what I am supposed to see, know what I am supposed to know and do what I am supposed to do always, in the mighty name of Jesus.
12.  I will not be used and dumped, I will not be used and dispensed, I will not be abused in Jesus mighty name.
13.  My glory and star, arise and shine, in Jesus mighty name!
14.  Declare in line with 1 Samuel 26:10, as the Lord lives, the Lord will destroy my unrelenting enemies or their day to die shall come or they shall descend into battle and perish in Jesus name.
15.  My blessed name shall work for me in Jesus name. I renounce every name I have been named in the kingdom of darkness. I accept my God ordained name in Jesus name.
16.  I reverse the effects of evil names and incantations assigned against me and my family in Jesus name.
17.  Agents assigned against my prayer life die in Jesus name.
18.  Internal and external enemies corroborating to disappoint me, be disappointed in the mighty name of Jesus.
19.  Enemies within and enemies without, be disgraced and fall into your own pits in Jesus name.
20.   Antagonists that have sworn to bring me down, your covenant shall not stand, die in Jesus name.
21.  Every good thing that has avoided my reach so far, come into my hands, in the name of Jesus.
22.  Failure, I am not your candidate, resounding success is my portion in Jesus name.
23.  I will not die, I will fulfill God's plan gloriously in the land of the living in Jesus name.
24.  The wicked will bow at the gates of the righteous, unfriendly friends, you will serve me consistently in Jesus name.
25.  Arrows of disfavor and antagonism, backfire in the name of Jesus.
26.  I will not go down in life, supernatural advancement is my portion in the name of Jesus.
27.  I will shine, gloriously reflecting God's love and power in the name of Jesus.
28.  God's armor of light and protection will always be round about me and mine from henceforth and even forever in Jesus name.
29.  In line with Hebrews 10:36, I receive the grace to patiently wait in accordance with God's will and receive my promised possessions in Jesus name.
30.  I receive the spirit of grace and obedience that facilitates delivery of my long awaited expectations in Jesus name.
31.  I declare that the spirit of grace and favor rests on me in Jesus name.
32.  Powers that plunge into problems and disgrace, you are a liar, die in the name of Jesus.
33.  As you did for Hagar, Father, open my eyes to divine provisions in Jesus name. (Gen 22:14-16)
34.  In 1 Samuel 23-26, satanic informants kept on providing David's secrets and movement information to Saul, for the purpose of ambushing/destroying David; prevent David from being celebrated or being unable to sit on his God ordained glorious throne of kingship. The satanic informants failed, David was celebrated and sat on his God ordained throne. You are going to pray: Father, let the communication networks of satanic informants be permanently and completely destroyed in Jesus name.
35.  Satanic informants die in Jesus name.
36.  Powers using my information and secrets against me, die in Jesus name.
37.  Take your personal prayer points.
38.  Give thanks because “and whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight”. (1 John 3:22).