For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

June 2015 Messages

Sunday June 7, 2015
Take Heart...Your Sins are Forgiven (Highlights)
In Matthew 9:1-8, when a paralyzed man was brought to Jesus, the first thing Jesus addressed was the sin of the man. The man was helpless, could not stand on his own, sustaining himself was a challenge, working, earning a living, maintaining a family etc were problematic.
You may be going through some uncomfortable situations...Jesus is saying take heart...because the root of your problems will be addressed. In Matthew 15:13 Jesus assures you that whatever His Father did not plant in your life and destiny will be uprooted from the roots, may that be your potion by fire in Jesus name.
Jesus addressed the man's problem. May God address your problem today. His sins were forgiven, may your sins be forgiven. His lameness, incapacity was taken away, may every 'lameness' incapacity, inability to do what you should do excellently be taken away by the power in the blood of Jesus.
Sunday June 14, 2015
Ordained? (Highlights)
Sometimes you question if God is with you...'is God with me', 'am I ordained like God said' etc.
Be rest assured that God's words do not fail. His words are forever settled. In Matthew 10:1-8 and Mark 3:13-15, after praying Jesus anointed his disciples, gave them power over demons, sickness and diseases. He assures you that as His father has sent Him, even so He has sent you (John 20:21). Be rest assured you have been ordained (John 15:16).
Sunday June 21, 2015
Go and Show John - 1 (Highlights)
What should you do about their questions? when people question your legitimacy...people and events will question your faith, your stand, your belief and your trust in God. Words and arguments may not help; disputing may not deliver the answer; your attitude, composure, the fruit of the spirit - your character and the Holy Spirit power will – a testimony of Jesus and what He has done for you and others changes things. For example, there can be no argument that God healed me from migraine, stomach ulcer. There are no arguments about the testimonies of what God has done recorded on this website and the many, many more that are not on the website. Go and show your 'John' - the inquirer or questioner - what God has done for you and others, let them see the fruit of the spirit in you; this will more than answer their questions and silence every opposition.
Sunday June 28, 2015
Go and Show John - 2 (Highlights)

In Matthew 11:4-6, the legitimacy of Jesus was questioned when John the Baptist His forerunner and announcer started asking if He is the 'real deal', the expected Messiah or the people should start looking for a replacement - another Jesus. How do you handle their questions?

Understand and be completely persuaded that their seeming legitimacy is illegitimate (2 Corinthians 1:21)
People and events will question your belief, your faith, your stand, and your trust. (Peter, Jesus)
A show of power will – a testimony of Jesus and what He has done changes things. (Revelation 19:10)